Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Update on things... Finally!

OK, I have definitely failed with keeping up on my blog. However, I plan to be better about it because I have internet access now on a consistent basis. J

So here’s the deal. Life has been in a consistent state of upheaval for the last few months. Finally it has settled and I can tell you about it. Firstly, Mike and I moved into a new apartment back in May. We stopped having internet because it was a bill we just didn’t need. Anyone else freshly out of college will tell you a similar story. Student debt looms in the distance, and you find yourself asking yourself if you REALLY need to spend 6 hours a day on Facebook stalking your old friends and exes. (Though, I do feel that if you are still friends on Facebook with your exes, it isn’t exactly stalking. More like checking up on them to make sure they are alright – and that you are doing better. Don’t hate. You’ve all done it.)

Anyway, Mike and I moved to middle-of-nowhere Lincoln and were without internet. When we did want internet, we went to the library or NuVibe, an awesome little smoothie place with free Wifi near our new place. (Why I didn’t update my blog when we were at NuVibe? Because I wanted to allocate my internet time to Facebook stalking. Duh.)

In the meantime, things with Mike’s job took a turn for the worse. Let’s just say he’s very happy to be away from that place now… Around that same time, I got a call from the University of Oklahoma. Now, before you Nebraskans scream blasphemy, let me remind you that we had since switched conferences. I did a quick little phone interview with someone from the admissions department, and before I knew it, I was accepted there. At first, I didn’t quite know what to think. No offense to Oklahoma or anything, but I’d never really thought about living there. Ever. Ya see, Mike and I are more like polar bears than scorpions. More snow, less desert wasteland. Oklahoma is a little farther south than I’d planned on going. Yet, the timing of it all had me thinking that maybe I was supposed to go there. Call it divine intervention, a weird coincidence, or sheer dumb luck. Mike decided his place of employment was no longer for him, and we decided to pick up and move to Oklahoma.

For those of you a bit unfamiliar with U.S. geography (and really, who isn’t?) that’s a six or seven hour drive from Lincoln, to a state neither one of us ever really considered living in (remember: polar bears, scorpions.) Call us crazy, because we were. Our families were more than willing to help us and support us, which was by far the biggest blessing of all.  Mike’s family even made the trek with us and helped us move our stuff up to the third floor. I’m pretty sure Mike’s brother did about 95 percent of the work, actually. But, hey… I helped carry a loveseat. I feel like that counts for something.

Anyway, here we are! Living the dream (or a slightly more economically savvy dream) in Oklahoma City. We’re actually in a small suburb outside of the city, but downtown OKC, which is what all the cool kids call it, is only about 20 minutes away. 

I drive each day to the campus Norman, which is roughly 45 minutes from our home. The people here do not know how to drive. But that’s a different post for a different day.

I love school so far. It’s been the typical awkwardness for the first two weeks. And surprisingly it’s a lot like high school. Seriously, bells, lockers, lunchtime. It’s crazy. But again, that’s a different post for a different day.
One more thing about Oklahoma… they have armadillos here. How awesome is that?

More to come eventually!
